World-Check Privacy Statement


This privacy statement explains how Refinitiv Limited (“Refinitiv”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collects, handles, discloses, stores and protects information about you in the context of the World-Check service (“World-Check”).

It also explains who we are, your rights that may be available to you depending on applicable law, and how you can contact us if you have questions about how we handle your information. You can also access more information on how World-Check works by clicking here.

Who we are

Refinitiv Limited, registered in the United Kingdom, is a member of the London Stock Exchange Group of companies (“LSEG Group”) and the entity responsible as controller for processing personal information within World-Check.

What this privacy statement covers

This privacy statement only covers World-Check. For our general LSEG Privacy Statement, applicable to information the LSEG Group collects from and about users in connection with its products, services, websites, platforms, software, applications and events, please click here.

Who we hold information about in World-Check

  • We hold information within World-Check that helps financial institutions, corporates, professional services firms, governments, law enforcement agencies, regulators and other World-Check customers and companies within the LSEG Group (“World-Check Users”) to perform due diligence and other screening activities in accordance with their legal or regulatory obligations and risk management procedures carried out in the public interest, including but not limited to the purposes of anti-money-laundering or ‘know your customer’, anti-bribery or anti-corruption or other regulatory compliance checks, or for preventing, investigating, detecting or prosecuting financial crime, fraud and serious misconduct or dishonesty, or other criminal or unlawful activity (for example, modern slavery, illegal trafficking, environmental crime, etc.) and any unethical conduct (“Checks”).
  • It is designed and maintained to improve the speed, accuracy and transparency of Checks which are carried out by World-Check Users on customers, vendors, business partners and other counterparties.
  • World-Check is not aimed at children. In the limited circumstances where we collect and use personal information about children (for example, because they are the children of a PEP (as defined below), we comply with industry guidelines and applicable laws.
  • Your information is only included on World-Check if Public Domain Data (as defined below) suggests that there is information about you that World-Check Users ought to be aware of for the purposes of Checks.

When World-Check Users carry out Checks, they can also choose to carry out searches of Public Domain Data contained within media sources using media search tools available in World-Check. For example, they may conduct media searches against names of their customers, vendors, business partners, or other counterparties. For more information on this, click here.

The inclusion of information about you on World-Check does not prevent you from doing business with World-Check Users such as financial institutions. You can find out if information about you is on World-Check here. To see our FAQs on how World-Check works, click here.

What personal information we process

As part of World-Check, we may collect and process information that is derived from Public Domain Data, where relevant for Checks.

World-Check Users can also choose to carry out optional searches of Public Domain Data contained within media sources using search tools within World-Check, in order to enhance or supplement their Checks. These search tools allow World-Check Users to enter names of their customers, vendors, business partners and other counterparties alongside keywords used for research purposes into a search engine that searches media sources and returns results based on those names and keywords. Keywords can be selected by World-Check Users, but they are aimed at discovery of the type of information listed below. If such a search is conducted about you, your name would appear alongside any articles in which your name (or a similar name) appears, alongside any relevant keywords found in that article. However, World-Check Users know that this does not mean that either the person named in the article is actually you or that everything contained in Public Domain Data is true. They are obliged to take further steps to verify information and to determine how to use it.

World-Check may hold the following types of information about you.

  • Information that helps identify you (e.g. your name; alias (if any) age; date of birth; gender; country of residence; passport details; citizenship).
  • Personal identification numbers (e.g. social security numbers; national insurance numbers) that are Public Domain Data.
  • Family circumstances information (e.g. your marital status and dependents) if you are a PEP or a close associate of a PEP.
  • Employment/role and education details (for example, the organisation you work for, public roles (including political, diplomatic, religious, judicial, military and trade union roles), your job title and your education history).
  • Professional and personal affiliations (for example, organisations (including sanctioned vessels and aircraft) and individuals that you may be associated with in your professional or personal capacity).
  • Financial information relevant to understanding your income or wealth (for example, bankruptcy or insolvency filings).
  • Your inclusion (if any) on sanctions lists or on public lists of disqualified directors or other positions of responsibility.
  • Public Domain Data about actual or alleged money laundering or terrorist financing crime, or crimes that are a pre-cursor to money laundering or terrorist financing which are also known as predicate offences (e.g. financial crime, illegal trafficking, environmental offences, smuggling, membership of an organised crime group).
  • Your postings on website, blogs or social media applications.

How we use information about you

We use information to facilitate Checks by World-Check Users, to comply with regulatory requests and for other purposes connected with the proper management of World-Check and protection of our rights. More information on these purposes is contained below.

What legal grounds do we use to process your information

Some laws require us to explain our lawful reason for processing your personal information. We process standard personal information on the basis that it is in our or others’ legitimate interests. We generally process special category and criminal data for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of applicable law.

Who we disclose your personal information to

We make World-Check information available to World-Check Users, companies within the LSEG Group that require World-Check data for products or services that they offer, third parties who provide advice and services to us (including professional advisors), business partners that work with us to make World-Check data available for the purpose of Checks and as required by, or desirable in order to comply with, law. Our third-party service providers are not permitted to share or use personal information we make available to them for any purpose other than to provide services to us.

How we secure your personal information

We take information security seriously and use a range of physical, electronic and managerial measures to keep your personal information secure, accurate and relevant. These measures and our information security policies are closely aligned with widely accepted international standards, reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to meet our business needs and changes in technology and regulatory requirements.

Why information may be transferred abroad

World-Check is a global service and the LSEG Group is a global organization. Your personal information may be transferred to recipients in multiple jurisdictions, and stored and processed, outside of your home country, including in countries that may not offer the same level of protection for your personal information as your home country and which do not benefit from an adequacy determination or decision by the applicable governing bodies (e.g., the EU Commission, data protection regulator, supervisory authority, etc.). We have measures in place to ensure that when your personal information is transferred internationally, it is subject to appropriate safeguards in accordance with data protection laws (e.g. including Articles 44 to 50 of the GDPR). Often, these include contractual safeguards. More information about these safeguards (including copies, where relevant) can be obtained by contacting us here.

How long we keep your information

How long your data is held in World-Check will depend on type of information we hold about you, details of which can be found here. You can find more information on the criteria used to determine retention periods below.

Your rights

You may have rights under European and other laws to have access to your information and to ask us to rectify, erase and restrict use of, your information. You may also have rights to object to your information being used and to withdraw consent to the use of your information. Further information on how to exercise your rights is set out below.

California privacy rights

The California Consumer Privacy Notice supplements this Privacy Statement and applies solely to California consumers.

South Africa - Access to information

We have established processes and procedures to allow appropriate data subjects to exercise their rights under South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act. If you wish to exercise your rights, please visit here. For more information on our processes and procedures, and your rights, you can visit our Promotion of Access to Information Manual.

Brazil privacy rights

For information and disclosures applicable to data subjects covered under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, please visit here.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, complaints or suggestions in relation to how we process your personal information, or wish to exercise your rights referred to above, please contact our Privacy Office at, or you may write to:

Changes to this privacy statement

We may modify or amend this privacy statement from time to time.

Any future changes or additions to the processing of personal information as described in this privacy statement affecting you will be communicated to you through an appropriate channel, depending on how we normally communicate with you.

Your Questions Answered

Does Refinitiv make my personal information on World-Check available to the general public?

No, Refinitiv does not distribute personal information on World-Check to the general public. Only authorised World-Check Users have access to that personal information.

What steps does Refinitiv take to inform World-Check Users about appropriate use of World-Check?

Refinitiv imposes usage restrictions on World-Check Users.

Why have I not been told that my personal information is on World-Check?

Your personal information has been collected from sources available to the general public and those sources generally do not provide reliable contact details such as email or postal addresses. In addition, even if we were able to find that information, we do not process detailed contact details such as this. If, however, one of the World-Check Users want to conduct a search against you on World-Check they are required to inform you of this.

Why have you not obtained my consent to your processing of my sensitive personal information?

First, as mentioned above we do not have any reliable contact details for you and second, because of the limited reasons for which we make World-Check available to World-Check Users, we are able to lawfully process your personal information without relying on your consent.

By including my personal information in World-Check are you advising your subscribers that I should be viewed negatively?

On the contrary, we make it clear that the inclusion of an individual on World-Check should not automatically be taken to draw any particular inference (negative or otherwise) about them, and this is enshrined in our usage restrictions. The personal information of many individuals is included in World-Check solely because they hold prominent political or other positions or are connected to such individuals. Furthermore, if, for example, your personal information on World-Check includes allegations about unlawful acts, we advise our users to assume that such allegations are denied by you.

Does the fact that my personal information is on World-Check automatically mean that World-Check Users cannot or will not do business with me?

No. We advise World-Check Users that they cannot rely solely upon personal information found on World-Check when making any decision to deal with any individual. Instead, they must make independent checks of such individual to verify the accuracy of the personal information we process and decide for themselves whether to conduct business with that individual.

Is the personal information in World-Check accurate?

We maintain research standards designed to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the personal information on World-Check. However, because of the nature of Public Domain Data, we cannot discount that data we process may contain some errors or become outdated. Therefore, if you find an error in any personal information that we process or you or believe it to be irrelevant or excessive, please send an email message to

Please be assured that we will fully consider any communications that you send to us but it may not in every instance result in changes or deletions to the information about you on World-Check, if we conclude that the information remains accurate and relevant and/or there are other lawful grounds available to us which permit us to refrain from changing or deleting your personal information.

Can I find out what information Refinitiv has about me in World-Check?

Yes, you may request a copy of the personal information that we hold on you in World-Check. To ensure your privacy, we'll ask for information verifying your identity. To request a copy please send an email message to

We make no charge for supplying you with your personal information.

Any identification evidence that you provide will only be used to verify your identity for this purpose and for no other. We reserve the right to deny unreasonable or unwarranted requests for access.

If you have questions about requesting a copy of your personal information, please send an email message to

Can I have my personal information in World-Check updated or removed?

An individual may, request that his/her personal information be updated or removed from World-Check. However, it is important to note that any right you may have to request updates or deletions to your personal information on World-Check is not absolute and we may be lawfully permitted to refrain from making any update or deletion to your personal information on World-Check. In such circumstances, we will explain to you why this is the case.

Rest assured that we do, however, make extensive efforts to prevent inaccurate, outdated, irrelevant or excessive personal information being processed on World-Check.

Where you do wish to proceed with a request to update or remove your personal information from World-Check, we will need a written explanation of your request in order to assess it against applicable laws. Depending on the nature of the request and the personal information involved, we may also ask you to provide supporting information and/or documentation.

Additional questions about updating or removing your personal information or the kind of supporting documentation that may be required should be directed to

Once a decision has been made on a request to update or remove personal information on World-Check, that decision will be communicated to you in writing.

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"Public Domain Data” means personal information (1) originally available to the public and typically over the internet; (2) that Refinitiv has a reasonable basis to believe is lawfully made available to the general public by or from: (i) the data subject (or consumer or individual to whom the personal information relates), (ii) widely distributed media, or (iii) from a person to whom the data subject has disclosed the personal information (provided that Refinitiv does not have knowledge that the data subject has restricted the information to a specific audience); or (3) lawfully made available from records, databases, and/or systems of government agencies, departments, divisions or other operating units, in electronic, paper or any other format. Examples include personal information found on: (i) sanction or watch lists; (ii) law enforcement, court, regulatory or other government websites; (iii) political websites and publications such as parliamentary, local government or individual politician websites; (iv) reputable news media and publications; and (v) information sources made public by an individual themselves, for example on their website, blog or any social media application.