World-Check One support and training

World-Check One frequently asked questions

  • To learn whether you are on World-Check, complete this simple form.

    We will then email you at the address you provide to ask for information to confirm your identity. This is to safeguard your own privacy. Any identification evidence that you provide will only be used to verify your identity for the purpose of your requests.

    When we’ve verified your identity, we will then tell you whether you’re on World-Check or not. We usually do this within 10 business days or in accordance with the response time required under applicable data protection laws.

  • Yes – you can choose from Standard and Advanced. Contact your representative to find out more about the features and functionality of each subscription level.

  • Clear the cache from your Internet browser and relaunch it.

    For Internet Explorer:

    1. Click Tools -> Internet Options.
    2. Under General, go to Browsing History.
    3. Click Delete -> Delete Temporary Internet Files (all offline content) and Cookies (ensure you preserve your Favorites).

    For Mozilla Firefox:

    1. Click History -> Clear Recent History.

    For Google Chrome:

    1. Click Options -> History -> Clear Browsing Data.
  • Your Client Admin can change the user details in World-Check One.

    To change the user details:

    1. Log in to your World-Check One account.
    2. Select Admin from the drop-down menu on the upper-left corner of the page.
    3. Click Users. Select one user at a time (e.g. Dennis Yeung). Click Edit and then change the First and Last Name to your preferences.
    4. Once done, click Save.
  • The Client or Group Admins can delete users via the Admin section.

    1. Click on the Users tab.
    2. Select the user to be deleted.
    3. Click the Delete button at the top right corner of the screen.

    N.B.: Before removing the user, please ensure any cases assigned to the user are either unassigned or reassigned.

    In the Case Manager, up to 25 cases can be categorized as ‘unassigned’/’reassigned’ at any one time.

    1. In Case Manager, filter by Assignee. (The user should be active in order to view the Assignee.)
    2. Select the Case(s) which needs to be re-assigned.
    3. Click Unassign or Assign in the toolbar at the top right corner.
    4. Assign the Case(s) to Active User.

    Note: If you have a large number of Cases to unassign/reassign, the Client Admin can request activation of the Bulk Actions functionality.

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