FTSE MPF Index Series
The FTSE MPF Index Series was launched in 2001 by FTSE Russell in collaboration with Willis Towers Watson (WTW) and Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA).
The FTSE MPF Index Series is based on the FTSE All-World Index Series and provides a range of country and regional indices currency hedged back into Hong Kong dollars for use by market participants in Hong Kong. The total return indices within the series are calculated net of withholding tax rates applicable to MPF funds.
The methodology for the FTSE MPF Index Series is kept in line with market participants' changing requirements through a market consultation process carried out every three years by FTSE Russell in conjunction with WTW and HKIFA.
Market consultations are designed to ensure the indices provide precise benchmarks for the market by accurately reflecting regulatory requirements, permitted investment markets and asset classes, as well as taking into consideration the specific regulatory requirements under the MPF system. Index enhancements resulting from previous consultations can be downloaded from Index Resources below.
FTSE MPF Fixed Income Index Series
FTSE Russell works closely with the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) to ensure that the index appropriately reflects Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) rules.
The FTSE MPF Fixed Income Index Series is designed to comply with the regulatory requirements governing investments in debt securities by Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund schemes. It incorporates additional criteria as stipulated by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation and Guidelines on Debt Securities.
The Index Series comprises of:
- FTSE MPF World Government Bond Index
- FTSE MPF WorldBIG Corporate Bond Index
FTSE MPF World Government Bond Index
The FTSE MPF World Government Bond Index is based on the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI) that measures the performance of fixed-rate, local currency, investment-grade sovereign bonds.
The WGBI is a widely used benchmark that currently comprises sovereign debt from over 20 countries, denominated in a variety of currencies, and has more than 30 years of history available.
FTSE MPF WorldBIG Corporate Bond Index
The FTSE MPF WorldBIG Corporate Bond Index is based on the corporate subset of the FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (WorldBIG®), which provides a broad-based measure of the global fixed income credit markets.
Further information about FTSE MPF WGBI and FTSE MPF WorldBIG Corporate Bond Index is available in the FTSE MPF Fixed Income Index Series Ground Rules.
FTSE MPF Reference Portfolios
The FTSE MPF Reference Portfolios (RPs) are used for performance measurement and reporting purposes as set out in paragraph D2.3 of the MPFA Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds.
In January 2019 the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) recognised the revised RPs in the Joint Submission made by the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) and the Hong Kong Trustees' Association (HKTA).
The Joint Submission includes implementation of the revised RPs where FTSE Russell replaces Willis Towers Watson as the RP administrator effective from 1 April 2019.
The RPs are designed to measure cross-asset market returns for portfolios with a global market and multi-asset exposure. The RPs are constructed as an index-level composite based on underlying equity and fixed income indices calculated and maintained by FTSE Russell. The RPs also include a cash component. Further details can be found in the RPs Ground Rules.
FTSE MPF ESG Low Carbon Select Index Series
The FTSE MPF ESG Low Carbon Select Index Series reflects Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) regulatory requirements including permissible investment markets and asset classes. The indices hedge currency back into Hong Kong dollars for use by market participants in Hong Kong. The total net return index is calculated net of withholding tax rates applicable to MPF fund. The indices are comprised of companies from the underlying universes FTSE All-World Index, FTSE North America Index, FTSE Asia Pacific ex Japan index, FTSE Europe Index, FTSE Hong Kong Index, FTSE China Index and FTSE Japan Index.
The Index Series is constructed to address climate risk concerns and to optimise index level ESG performance using the FTSE Russell Target Exposure methodology. The indices target a minimum 50% reduction in operational carbon emissions intensity, 50% reduction in fossil fuel reserve intensity and 20% uplift in ESG ratings on the index level at annual rebalances, relative to the underlying FTSE MPF Index*. The index excludes companies involved with controversial product activities, including weapons, thermal coal, tobacco, nuclear power generation, gambling, adult entertainment and companies involved with controversies related to the UN Global Compact Principles.
Further details can be found in Ground Rules.
* Except the FTSE Europe ESG Low Carbon Select Index which adjust the targets to 50% reduction in operational carbon emissions intensity, 50% reduction in fossil fuel reserve intensity and 15% uplift in ESG ratings.
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Key resources
FTSE MPF Asia Pacific ex Japan ex Hong Kong ex China Index
FTSE MPF China Index
FTSE MPF China A Index
FTSE MPF Developed Index
FTSE MPF Domestic Hong Kong Index
FTSE MPF Emerging Index
FTSE MPF Europe Index
FTSE MPF Greater China Index
FTSE MPF Japan Index
FTSE MPF Hong Kong Index
FTSE MPF North America Index
FTSE MPF Hong Kong ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF China ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF Japan ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF Asia Pacific ex Japan ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF All-World ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF North America ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF Europe ESG Low Carbon Select Index
FTSE MPF World Broad Investment-Grade Corporate Bond Index
Index resources
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