FTSE Environmental Markets Index Series

Our FTSE Environmental Markets Index Series measures global companies involved in environmental business activities.

The FTSE Environmental Markets Index Series is broken down into two sub-series: the FTSE Environmental Technology Index Series and the FTSE Environmental Opportunities Index Series. Both are based on FTSE Russell’s Green Revenues Classification System (GRCS) and use the Green Revenues 2.0 data model for constituent selection. Details of the GRCS are provided in Index Resources below.

The indices are suitable for benchmarking purposes and can be used as tools in the creation of financial products, such as institutional and retail funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and derivatives.

The family includes:

FTSE Environmental Technology Index Series

Indices within this series measure the performance of companies globally whose core business is in the development and deployment of environmental technologies, including renewable and alternative energy, energy efficiency, water technology and waste and pollution control. Companies are required to have at least 50% of their revenues derived from environmental products and services with clear and significant impact, in order to be eligible for the FTSE Environmental Technology Index Series.

FTSE Environmental Opportunities Index Series

Indices within this series measure the performance of global companies that have significant involvement in environmental business activities, including renewable and alternative energy, energy management and efficiency, water infrastructure and technology, and waste and pollution control. Companies are required to have at least 20% of revenues derived from environmental products and services in order to be eligible for the FTSE Environmental Opportunities Index Series.
  • FTSE Environmental Opportunities All-Share Index
  • FTSE Environmental Opportunities Renewable & Alternative Energy Index
  • FTSE Environmental Opportunities Energy Efficiency Index
  • FTSE Environmental Opportunities Water Technology Index
  • FTSE Environmental Opportunities Waste and Pollution Control Index
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