An overview of the Municipal Market Monitor (TM3)
The Municipal Market Monitor (TM3) services fixed income client data needs, both over the internet and via data feeds.
TM3 services comprise several key pillars, related specifically to the US municipal bond industry including:
- news and insight
- primary market information
- secondary market information
- disclosures/prospectus
- variable rate portfolio management tools
- pricing and reference data search tools.
TM3 also offers MMD yield curves, which are currently the industry leading yield curves and are the flagship product line on TM3.
MMD yield curves are integrated across the key pillar services on TM3. MMD spread is also available across many major services and product lines on TM3 and third-party vendors.
Useful links
Features & benefits
What you get with the Municipal Market Monitor
Includes the industry leading MMD AAA yield curve, AAA Scale Reads, analytics, and in-depth analysis on the municipal and treasury markets.
Real-time and historical new-issue calendars, pre-sale worksheets and sales results - from I-Deal and underwriters.
Real time MSRB data.
Refinitiv Global Markets, Inc. is a Registered Investment Adviser. Refinitiv Global Markets' disclosure statement is available on the web at TM3 app. Reproduction of, dissemination of, modifications to or creation of derivative works from the materials provided, by any means and in any form or manner, is expressly prohibited, except with the prior written permission of Refinitiv Global Markets. Please note that RGM's services are not subject to the EU Benchmarks Regulation or equivalent law or rule. More information about this disclaimer is available at Benchmarks Disclaimer © 2024 Refinitiv. (DBA International Finance Review). All rights reserved.
How it works
TM3 in more detail
Muni data/analysis (MuniView search)
LSEG and LSEG's pricing and descriptive information on over 1.5m securities, the CUSIP9 search engine,
VRDN network and SIFMA index
An electronic database that enables tax-exempt money market funds and their agents to receive rate reset, interest payment factors, and security master details on portfolio holdings.
The most comprehensive collection of municipal documents available anywhere, with over 254,000 documents from 1975 - including official statements, supplements, escrow documents, and G-36 forms.
Municipal News
The most comprehensive news source dedicated to the municipal marketplace.

Request details
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Europe, Middle East, Africa
Europe: +442045302020
Africa: +27 11 775 3188
Middle East & North Africa: 800035704182
Asia Pacific (Sub-Regional)
Australia & Pacific Islands: +612 8066 2494
China mainland: +86 10 6627 1095
Hong Kong & Macau: +852 3077 5499
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives & Sri Lanka:
+91 22 6180 7525
Indonesia: +622150960350
Japan: +813 6743 6515
Korea: +822 3478 4303
Malaysia & Brunei: +603 7 724 0502
New Zealand: +64 9913 6203
Philippines: 180 089 094 050 (Globe) or
180 014 410 639 (PLDT)
Singapore and all non-listed ASEAN Countries:
+65 6415 5484
Taiwan: +886 2 7734 4677
Thailand & Laos: +662 844 9576