
FTSE ESG Indices

An overview of FTSE ESG Indices

The FTSE ESG Index Series is designed to help investors align investment and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives into a broad benchmark, whilst maintaining industry neutrality.

Company weights within each index are ‘tilted’ using FTSE Russell’s ESG Scores. Subsequently, industry neutral re-weighting is applied so that the industry weights in each index match the underlying index universe.

As a result, the FTSE ESG Indices have risk/return characteristics similar to the underlying universe with the added benefit of improved ESG metrics.

The FTSE ESG Index Series consists of following Index Segments:

FTSE Developed ESG Indices

FTSE Emerging ESG Indices

FTSE All-Share ESG Indices

Russell 1000 ESG Indices

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
  • History
    From 2020
  • Data format
    User Interface
  • Delivery mechanism
  • Data frequency

Features & Benefits

What you get with FTSE ESG Indices

  • Consists of eligible securities in the relevant underlying FTSE Global Equity Index Series, the Russell 1000 Index and the FTSE All-Share Index.
  • ESG adjustments are applied based on FTSE Russell’s ESG Scores – a comprehensive measure of how well a company manages relevant ESG risks and impacts.
  • Enhanced exposure to companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices whilst decreased exposure to companies that do not.
  • Industry neutral re-weighting removes industry bias and delivers risk/return characteristics similar to the underlying benchmark index universe.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

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