October 18, 2019

LSEG Directorate Change


LSEG to commence succession process for Group CFO, David Warren, who will continue in role through 2020

London Stock Exchange Group (“LSEG plc,” “LSEG,” “the Group”) today announces that David Warren, Group Chief Financial Officer has informed the Group of his intention to retire from the company and step down from the Board by the end of 2020.

David Warren will continue in his current role as Group CFO and a member of the Board through the close of the Refinitiv transaction to ensure a smooth transition to his successor. LSEG will undertake a global search, which will be led by the Board’s Nomination Committee.

Don Robert, Chairman, LSEG, said, “There will be time next year for the Board to express its gratitude to David for his significant contribution and commitment to our Group during his tenure, both as CFO and as Interim CEO. David has played a key role in the successful growth, diversification and global expansion of our business over the last seven years.”

David Schwimmer, CEO, LSEG, said “David has been an outstanding contributor to the Group’s success. I’d like to thank him for his partnership during my first year at LSEG. I look forward to continuing to work closely with him to drive our core business and to deliver the Refinitiv transaction.”

David Warren, Group CFO, said “It has been a privilege to serve as CFO for more than seven years. I have seen a huge transformation in the Group over this time to become the international financial markets infrastructure business it is today. I look forward to actively contributing to the next phase of the Group’s future success as we continue to progress the execution of the Refinitiv transaction through to close.”

This announcement is made on behalf of LSEG by Lisa Condron, the Group Company Secretary of LSEG.

About LSEG

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) is a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data provider, playing a vital social and economic role in the world’s financial system.

With our open approach, trusted expertise and global scale, we enable the sustainable growth and stability of our customers and their communities. We are dedicated partners with extensive experience, deep knowledge and a worldwide presence in data and analytics; indices; capital formation; and trade execution, clearing and risk management across multiple asset classes. 

LSEG is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with significant operations in over 60 countries across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific. We employ 25,000 people globally, more than half located in Asia Pacific. LSEG’s ticker symbol is LSEG.


Gavin Sullivan
Lucie Holloway
+44 (0)20 7797 1222

Investor Relations
Paul Froud
+44 (0)20 7797 3322