
MarketPsych Analytics

An overview of MarketPsych Analytics

An overview of MarketPsych offerings:

  • MarketPsych digitizes meanings and sentiments into machine readable values and signals, covering all major countries, commodities, currencies, cryptocurrencies, equity sectors, and public and private companies.
  • The data is distilled from a massive collection of news and social media content through an extensively curated language framework, which measures emotions (optimism, confusion, urgency, etc.), financial language (price forecasts, etc.), and topics (interest rates, mergers, etc.).
  • We have partnered on three related products: MarketPsych Analytics, StarMine MarketPsych Media Sentiment Model, MarketPsych ESG Analytics.
  • MarketPsych sentiment indicators are used by us and clients for many reasons, including the creation and augmentation of trading strategies, volatility forecasting, risk management, event monitoring, macroeconomic now casting and earnings call advisory.

Key Facts 

  • Geographical coverage
  • History
    From 1998
  • Data format
    User Interface
  • Delivery mechanism
    Deployed/Onsite Servers
  • Data frequency
    Minutely, hourly, and daily

Features & Benefits

What you get with MarketPsych Analytics

  • MarketPsych Analytics: covering 100,000+ companies, 150+ stock indices and ETFs, 44 commodities, 45 currencies, 200+ country macroeconomics, fixed income instruments for 60 countries and 500+ cryptocurrencies. The feeds are based on text analysis of 2,000 top global business news outlets, 1,000 global financial social media sites, and tens of millions of authors. The history extends back to 1998 (2009 for cryptocurrencies) for both news and social media.
  • Analytic scores include buzz metrics on the asset generally as well as topics such as litigation and mergers; macroeconomic topics such as supply vs demand and inflation forecast; and emotional indicators such as anger, fear and joy.
  • MarketPsych ESG Analytics: Real-time ESG data evolved from news and social media capturing key ESG themes for 100,000+ companies and 252 countries and regions. Company coverage point-in-time to January 1998, plus machine-learning NLP system for extracting complex ESG concepts.
  • ESG Analytics scores include 100+ ESG metrics such as workplace sentiment and carbon emissions improvement as well as 100+ ESG controversies including tax fraud and industrial accident.
  • MarketPsych Media Sentiment Model: This media-based stock ranking system provides a single 1-to-100 daily score (percentile ranking) for each global stock. The scores are designed to be indicative of the following month’s share price returns, and are easy to interpret and use.

How it works

Accessing the dataset

This dataset can be used by the following products. Talk to us to learn more about different packages and offerings.

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