February 21, 2023

Update to concentration limits for Supranational Securities and US TIPS

LCH circular number: 4251
Date: February 21, 2023
To: All LCH Ltd Members

LCH Limited (“LCH”) has undertaken a review of the Supranational securities and US TIPS concentration limits, in respect of its securities collateral.

The following revised concentration limits apply to each Clearing Member:

Supranational legal entity limit -

Issuer Legal Entity Limit
European Union (EU, EUB)* Lower of: 50% IM, 2bn
European Investment Bank (EIB) Lower of: 50% IM, 1.25bn
European Stability Facility Mechanism (EFSF) Lower of: 50% IM, 750mn
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) Lower of: 50% IM, 750mn
European Stability Mechanism (ESM, ESMTB)* Lower of: 50% IM, 750mn
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) Lower of: 50% IM, 500mn
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) Lower of: 50% IM, 1.25bn
FMS Wertmanagement (FMSWER) Lower of: 50% IM, 100mn
Rentenbank (RENTEN) Lower of: 50% IM, 500mn
Network Rail Infrastructure Finance Plc (UKRAIL) Lower of: 50% IM ,200mn
Caisse d’Amortissement de la Dette Sociale (CADES) Lower of: 50% IM, 500mn

The following additional concentration limits continue to apply at a group level across all Clearing Members within the same group:  

Supranational securities Group level limit -

Issuer Group Level Limit (total)
European Union (EU, EUB) * 2bn
European Investment Bank (EIB) 1.25bn
European Stability Facility Mechanism (EFSF) 750mn
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) 750mn
European Stability Mechanism (ESM, ESMTB) * 750mn
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) 500mn
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) 1.25bn
FMS Wertmanagement (FMSWER) 100mn
Rentenbank (RENTEN) 500mn
Network Rail Infrastructure Finance Plc (UKRAIL) 200mn
Caisse d’Amortissement de la Dette Sociale (CADES) 500mn

US TIPS (TII, TF)* legal entity limit –

  • 2bn USD

The following additional concentration limits continue to apply at a group level across all Clearing Members within the same group:  

US TIPS (TII, TF)* group level limit –

  • 2bn USD

*Where multiple tickers are listed for one issuer, the limit is combined across the tickers.

These changes will be effective from 28/02/2023 and is available for members on both bilateral and triparty basis.

LCH continues to reserve the right to use its discretion in all circumstances and, in particular, around areas of specific concentration in securities received as margin collateral.

Clearing Members seeking further information in relation to this circular should contact the following : 
