March 20, 2023

LCH Ltd EquityClear Service - Reporting

LCH circular number: 4253
Date: March 20, 2023
To: All LCH Ltd EquityClear Members

Dear LCH Ltd EquityClear Clearing Member

We would like to remind our EquityClear Clearing Members that all failed settlements that includes positions due for potential buy-ins are reported in our daily report EREP0025 – Settlement Fails.

Also our daily report EREP0029 – Settlement Buy-in, shows Clearing Members all positions that are due to be bought-in the following day.

When a buy-in has been executed it will appear in all versions of our daily report EREP0006 – Netting – Gross Trades for Gross & Net Settlement, on the day of execution.

For a full description of all the LCH Ltd EquityClear reports please visit the Knowledge Centre within the Reporting Portal.

Yours Sincerely

Client Service Team