RepoClear Ltd

RepoClear Ltd Fees

The cost of clearing with RepoClear

Clearing Member Fee

Effective from 1st June 2024

A minimum monthly activity charge (MAC) per RepoClear clearing member[1] of €8,500 is applied across all LCH Ltd and LCH SA Group activity in Bonds and Repo clearing, where the total registration fees chargeable to a member as below, are less than this minimum amount.

[1]Sponsored Members are subject to a separate minimum activity charge, as described below

Registration fees

Repo tiered processing fee:

Monthly Trade Sides Cleared Fee per trade
from 0 to 3,500 £3.50
from 3,501 to 5,000 £3.00
from 5,001 to 6,000 £2.50
from 6,001 to unlimited £0.45

If two or more Members have the same ultimate parent within their legal structure, then all such Members will be treated as a single Member for the purposes of determining the processing fees payable by them.

Plusa single ad valorem rate of 0.004% for sterling denominated trades.

See calculation example in ‘Example of Repo Registration Fee Calculation’ section.

Example of Repo Registration Fee Calculation

Based on a trade of £100m start cash amount for a 270-day term           

270 days @ 0.004%
(270/360) x (100,000,000x0.00004)= £3,000.00
£3.50 processing fee £3.50[2]
Total registration fee of £ 3,003.50

[2]Assumed processing fee, variable based on above tiering

Cash bond trade registration fee rate:

£1.25 per million cash amount + Processing Fee of £1.25

Settlement Related Charges

Settlement Related Charges relate to the overall cost that LCH incurs on behalf of RepoClear members in managing their respective settlement activity. This cost is invoiced retrospectively, on a monthly basis, based on settlement activity.

A penalty charge for a settlement credit event is also applicable where a member has insufficient funds to take delivery of securities from LCH. This is set at SONIA +100bps of the outstanding value of the fail.

Specific Collateral

UK Gilts:
DvP settlement £3.45 per net DvP settlement
Cash only settlement £3.45 per movement
FOP settlement £3.45 per settlement
Failed settlement £40 per intended settlement

General Collateral

Term £GC
Opening instruction (TDO) £6.75 per TDO instruction
Ongoing settlement (TDO) £6.75 per business day per settlement position
Closing instruction (TDR) £2 per TDR instruction
Cash only settlement £0.80 per cash instruction
Failed settlement £3.75 per intended instruction
Amendment (TDA) £1 per instruction

RepoClear Default Fund Remuneration

Member interest accrued on the RepoClear Default Fund : SONIA minus ten basis points (in respect of GBP Contributions).

Repo Dealer Codes (“RD Codes”)

A charge of €2,500 per additional RD Code per month is applied.

Sponsored Clearing Fees

Sponsored Member Registration and Settlement Fees

Sponsored Members are subject to the same Registration fees and Settlement charges as outlined above for RepoClear Clearing Members. Fees are charged at the Sponsored Member mnemonic level.

Agent Fees

Usually, Agent Members will be charged a monthly Agent Fee of €5,000 per CCP in which they are active. However, until further notice the monthly Agent Fee of €5,000 per CCP will not apply.

Sponsored Member Minimum Activity Charge (MAC)

Sponsored Members will each be charged a MAC of £12,000 per annum. Fees are charged at the Sponsored Member mnemonic level.

Minimum Activity Charge (MAC) Exceptions

For RepoClear Clearing Members joining after the 15th of each month, no MAC will be charged for activity in that first month.

For Sponsored Members, the MAC per Sponsored Member of £12,000 per annum will be pro-rated in the first year of membership, so that the first 9 months’ worth of MAC is not charged.


Each new RepoClear Clearing Member will be charged an onboarding fee of £20,000[3] which includes the LCH Ltd application fee if applicable.

Each new Sponsored Member[4], will be charged an onboarding fee of £5,000.

The onboarding fee is a one-time fee charged after the prospective member’s application (including all supporting documents) have been approved by the Executive Risk Committee of LCH Limited.

[3]The onboarding fee does not apply to agent members.

[4] For a new Investment Manager, the onboarding fee will not apply for any Sponsored Member of that Investment Manager, which onboards within the first 9 months after the first Sponsored Member under that manager joined.

Contact us

If you'd like to know more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

Email the RepoClear Ltd team