Deals Data

We are the global leader in investment banking transaction data for M&A and New Issues with nearly 3.3 million transactions announced since the 1970s.


How our Deals Data can benefit you

We are widely regarded as the benchmark in the financial industry for transactional information, market share reporting and volume analyses. Dozens of major business publications regularly publish our League Tables and support their reporting with insights from us.

We lead the market in producing League Tables that reflect the marketplace, collaborating closely with global deal practitioners to set League Table criteria. Quarterly Investment Banking market reviews are distributed to the deal making community and featured in leading global financial publications, including The Financial Times, The New York Times DealBook, The Wall Street Journal, The Globe and Mail and more.

Deals content is used to monitor deal flow, identify trends, analyze market share, monitor banking relationships and competitors, structure new deals and search for comparable transactions.

Deals coverage includes comprehensive coverage of Mergers & Acquisitions, Debt Capital Markets, Equity Capital Markets, Syndicated Loans, Public Financings, Project Finance, Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances, Repurchases, Private Equity & Corporate Governance.

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