Learning support

Got a question?  Just ask.

We want to ensure you get the most out of your learning experience. Access Learning Support for answers to common questions, guidance on certifications, or contact us for further help.

Certification factsheet
Our certification program will broaden your knowledge of the tools used by financial markets professionals, learn more about our program here.
Certification FAQs
What is the LSEG certification offering? Find the answer to this and other frequently asked questions here.
How many attempts are available for product certification exams?
A total of three attempts, with the third attempt being available two weeks after your second examination date.
Certification sample questions
These sample certification questions will provide some insight into the type of question you might expect in your final assessment.
How do I register for a class?
Within LSEG's Learning Centre's home page, you can select "Enrol in Classes" and once the class you are interested in has been found you can select "Enrol" under scheduled classes.
How can I cancel my class registration?
You can contact the LSEG Training team via the link above.
I did not receive a calendar invite to the class I registered for, what do I need to do?
Please raise this with the LSEG Training team via the Contact Us link above.
How can I access slides or a recording of the class I attended?
Please email us via the link above confirming the class name and date of the session attended and if available we will send them to you.
Can I request a certificate of attendance?
Please email us via the link above with the name and date of the class you attended.
How can I gain access to on-demand training videos?
Within LSEG's Learning Centre's home page, you can select "Watch videos" and use the available filters and keyword search to find the training you are interested in.
Is LSEG training free of charge?
Yes, all training is free of charge, you would need a corporate email address or student email to access our training.
Need further help with on-demand videos?
Please email us via the link above with more details. If possible include a link and the full name of the video you need assistance with.
Have feedback or suggestions?
We value all feedback and any suggestions you may have to improve our training offerings. Please email us via the link above and one of the team will get back to you.